Trust me, when it comes to night security you cannot ignore. I have seen enough of these things, where good security practices really made the difference. Proactivity is all that matters regardless if it’s to protect a business or home. Trust me, you don’t want to be the one who found out later that you may not yet be secure enough. Now let’s dig into some easy to use, yet really effective strategies that will ensure that you sleep a little easier at night.

Lighting: Your First Line of Defense

I’ve found that the quickest, easiest path to security is good lighting. Do you suppose you’d be happier walking past a darkened driveway or one that’s all aglow with bright floodlights? It’s a no-brainer. Criminals thrive in the dark. That advantage is taken away by a well lit area. At my own place, I have motion sensor lights and I can’t even tell you how much safer I feel when I pull up at night. Not fumbling for keys in the dark, no creepy shadows around.

Also, you don’t need to spend big bucks on expensive set ups. Well placed lights can do wonders. Some motion sensors thrown in, and you’ve got a solid first line of defense.

Smart Surveillance: It’s More Than Just Cameras

Trust me, just slapping a camera up there ain’t going to do it. I’ve seen far too many people installing cheap cameras and thinking that is going to fix all their issues. It won’t. Cameras need to be part of a bigger system that’s monitored and, to make a claim to true surveillance in to believe that security is indeed in use, it needs to be connected to your phone. I have a system in my head where I’d get notifications if anything was moved. When you’re out of home or your business, that kind of instant alert is priceless.

So why is that one of the biggest mistakes people make? Forget about night vision. I’ve tried cameras that became useless at night. If your cameras can’t handle things at night, then they aren’t helping you at all. Don’t cut corners with this part, stick with the good stuff that works 24/7.

Security Personnel: Sometimes you still need Old School to work

In this day and age you’d think technology is all you’d need. Wrong. I know firsthand the value of having a real person on the ground watching things. With the best cameras on the planet, it doesn’t beat a trained security guard who knows what to look for. I’ve worked with a ton of businesses that claim to live and die by their security staff and I have to say, you can’t knock what they’re getting. If you are able to invest in that, then good security personnel could be the game changer.

Think of it this way: Because a human can react in real time, and technology can record what happens.

Entry Points: The Weakest Link

The problem is, people don’t remember the most basic things. You’ve got the cameras, you’ve got the lights, you’ve got a security guard, but what about the doors and the windows. Now, when a door opens with a pry bar or it is kicked in, you’d be amazed how often that is the only reason this break in occurs, because the window was left up or the door unlocked.

Do not make this mistake, trust me. Use deadbolts to reinforce your doors, the glass on your windows should always be locked, and the glass should be shatterproof. I’ve been so paranoid I’ve put extra locks on my side door, which is as easy as you can get to an intruder. And if you got a garage make sure that is secured too. It’s a way in that’s generally overlooked, and easy enough.

Alarms: Loud and Clear

They cost money, but this is one thing I never skimp on—alarms. I bought a few for myself, set them up in multiple places, and they’re worth every penny. It’s enough to make most intruders run for the hills just from the loud noise alone. I’d say, though, what I love about modern alarm systems is that they are far smarter now. Before, you had to hurry to the keypad to type in a little code like you’re in a spy movie. Not anymore.

Everything is controlled now from your phone. Furthermore, from anywhere, you can arm or disarm the system, notify right away, and even track what is going on in real-time. If you don’t have an alarm system yet, do yourself a big favor, invest in an alarm system. It has the most unbeatable peace of mind.

Security Dogs: More Than Just a Bark

Sounds old fashioned but don’t underestimate the power of a good guard dog. Trained security dogs still impress me a bit. They can feel things we could never feel, and will give you a warning before any camera will. Besides, what says ‘not today I won’t bother you’ better than the snap presence of a vicious dog staring you down?

But if you decide to go that route, be warned: the dog must be well trained. You want a protector, you don’t want a loose cannon. Large properties are a perfect place for dogs to work as they can be part of your security setup.

Regular Security Audits: Stay One Step Ahead

The thing about the best security setup out there is they can get holes if you leave them for too long. In fact, that’s why I recommend doing regular audits. I walk around my place every few months checking everything out. Are the lights still working? Are the cameras cheap? Could there be a new place hiding that could be a new spot?

It’s just a small step, it keeps you one step better. You don’t just set security and forget it. Like everything else, it needs attention.

Final Thoughts

Night security isn’t about the latest gadget or the flashiest system. It’s about being smart, practical and one step ahead of the bad guys. The best setups seem to be a combination of technology and good ol’ fashioned vigilance. Take someone that is trendset whatever has a properly lit property, cameras I’m day and night that really work, a great alarm system and maybe even a watchful security dog, and you’ve got yourself an ace of a property.

And that key is, you don’t get complacent. Always check in on your setup and see what ways you can build on. So how are you going to make your night security beefier?