You may not want to believe us, but there are some things “we” regular folks may actually have the upper hand in leaving at home, which these stars obviously missed. I mean, really how many of them didn’t have a solid home security system? Shocking, right?

Your First Line of Defense: Home Security

Our first stop: the basics of home security. I don’t know about you, but if I had a mansion, and half the world knew where it was (even if they didn’t know my name), I’d be buying as many security gadgets as I could. Cameras on every corner, smart locks, alarms, you name it, all the nine yards. For whatever reason, these seem to be missed by a lot of these celebrities. But they think if you have a gate or a security guard, that’s good enough. Spoiler alert—it’s not! Something as simple as a smart lock can be a huge difference even if you’re in a small apartment. It’s 2024, folks. A celebrity or not, today’s tech shouldn’t be catching anyone off guard.

Data Security: It’s Not Just for Celebrities

Okay, so on to data security. Celebs have an entire team—at least assistants, a manager, perhaps someone to handle their grocery lists—so we all know that. However, with all that help, they still don’t learn how to protect their personal data. Really, in 2024, we’re still having that conversation about photos getting hacked or personal information leaked? Ever heard of a VPN? Or how about you encrypt your data? In my opinion, they shouldn’t forget about their online presence, but nor should we. OK, let’s not pretend it’s only celebrities who get hacked. These are memes, and we’re all walking around with mini computers in our pockets. So, people, protect your data. Protection doesn’t require fame.

Things to Learn: As they say, it’s not just aesthetics

Now, this one’s okay, it’s okay enough that I have to at least laugh about it. Where’s the organization in one of those celebrity raid photos? There’s piles of clothes and all sorts of random junk everywhere. Why the f—– have these stars never heard of a closet organizer! I am not Marie Kondo but an organized home is something greater than keeping your place looking smooth on Instagram. It’s about being prepared. You picture to the cops bursting into your home to find them witness total chaos, embarrassing isn’t it? All right, so at least in my place everything’s where it should be and I’m ready – if that means the police are busting through the door (hopefully not!).

Celebrities Forget Too: Do You Have a Backup Plan?

All the fancy gadgets and services you hear celebrities talking about? They can afford them. But you’d be surprised how many don’t have a backup plan. This is basic stuff, I mean, it’s a generator when the power goes down or an emergency fund if life takes a turn for the worse. Obviously but easy to forget when you’re living a bubble of luxury. If you’re at this page and realizing, ‘Do I have an emergency plan yet?’ Then you probably need to get on it. You don’t need a mansion to be Prepped. Rest assured, you’ll sleep a lot better at night if you have a backup plan.

Fire Safety: But it’s not just about Instagram worthy homes

And let’s not forget fire safety. A ton of these celebs are so hell bent on styling their homes to be ‘insta’ worthy that they forget live saving basics like having fire extinguishers and ensuring their smoke detectors work. How many of us have not checked our smoke detectors in months? I’ll admit, I’ve been there. Let’s face it, fire safety isn’t the most glamorous thing to think about, but it’s so important. We take it for granted, and most of us don’t worry about fires until it’s too late. We are probably more guilty of forgetting this if the celebs can. So next time you are at the store maybe pick up a fire extinguisher. Yet it’s small and could prevent your home from being destroyed—or from one part of it being destroyed while other parts end up in the next neighborhood.

What You Should Take Away: Conclusion

What’s the big takeaway here? Celebrities have their flashy homes, which is true, but really, they’re missing out on some of the basic home essentials that, you and I, should definitely have (or at least consider having) in a home. Skip the basics — like a good security system, a neat pad, files in backups, or a fire extinguisher — at your own risk. Maybe celebrities have all the money in the world, but they’re not exactly swimming in common sense and that’s where we can learn from their mistakes.

Now, while it’s a main selling point, at the end of the day, what you want is a home that’s safe, secure, and ready for anything. And guess what? But hey, we can do that with or without a mansion.

What do you think? Have you figured any of these things out at home yet? Or, maybe you felt a little more prepared now?